03-31-23 -
The Spirit World / Open Lines
- Rebecca Rosen, Open Lines
03-30-23 -
Traumatic Brain Injury / The Crystal Caves
- Dr. David W. Smith, Cheryll Jones, Leela Hutchison
03-29-23 -
Ancient 'Alien' Artifacts / ET Interactions
- Steve Quayle, Tony Topping
03-28-23 -
Alternative Health / Mars Cover-Up & Alien Implants
- Benjamin Fuchs, Steve Colbern
03-27-23 -
Astrology Insights / Animal Communication
- William Stickevers, Susan Allen
03-26-23 -
Serial Killer Next Door / Rendlesham UFO Incident
- Richard Estep, Gary Heseltine
03-25-23 -
Mystery of Edgar Allan Poe's Death / Ancient Codes
- Mark Dawidziak, Melissa Tittl
03-24-23 -
Angel Guidance
- Michael André Ford, Open Lines
03-23-23 -
Merging with Technology / Soul Agreements & Karma
- Scott Snair, Geoffrey Jowett
03-22-23 -
Ancient Cataclysms & Flooding / Alien Revelations
- Randall Carlson, Michael E. Salla
03-21-23 -
Food Preparedness / Entities & UFOs
- Marjory Wildcraft, Jeffrey Daugherty
03-20-23 -
Ancient Lunar Domes / Kenneth Arnold Sighting
- Richard C. Hoagland, Shanelle Schanz
03-19-23 -
Psychedelic Research / Healed by a UFO
- Dennis McKenna, Chris Bledsoe
03-18-23 -
A New Perspective on Sitting Bull
- Ernie LaPointe, Jim Poesl
03-17-23 -
Dorothy Hunt & Watergate / Open Lines
- Saint John Hunt, Open Lines
03-16-23 -
Acrylamides in Our Food / Fallen Angels & Aliens
- Sydney Ross Singer, Scott Mitchell
03-15-23 -
Mysteries of the Moon / Secret Bases & UFOs
- Constance Victoria Briggs, Mack Maloney
03-14-23 -
Astrology Alignments / The Others
- Mark Lerner, Tim Swartz
03-13-23 -
Ozone Therapy / Hekate, Magick, & Covens
- Marc Seifer, Sal Santoro
03-12-23 -
Health & Fitness / Nanotech & Evolution
- Elaine LaLanne, Charles Ostman
03-11-23 -
Government Experimentation / Occult Symbolism in Cinema
- Janet Phelan, Robert W. Sullivan IV
03-10-23 -
Lucid Dreaming / Open Lines
- Craig Webb, Open Lines
03-09-23 -
Demographic Trends / Military UFO Encounters
- Kenneth Gronbach, William Warwick
03-08-23 -
Unleashing Your Potential / Channeling Aralamb
- Matt Higgins, Melissa Gates Perry
03-07-23 -
Alternative Health / The Psychic Cop
- Dr. Joel Wallach, Chuck Bergman
03-06-23 -
UAP Technology / Hauntings & the Paranormal
- Brandon Weichert, Loyd Auerbach
03-05-23 -
Travel & Spiritual Awakening / Paranormal Experiences
- Albert Barbato, Pamela Nance
03-04-23 -
Illuminati Agenda / Locating Atlantis
- Isaac Weishaupt, David Edward
03-03-23 -
Quantum Healing / Open Lines
- Steve Noack, Open Lines
03-02-23 -
Gun Rights / Ice Ages & Megaliths
- John R. Lott, Ralph Ellis
03-01-23 -
2023 Numerology / Atlantis & UFOs
- Glynis McCants, Will Hart