July 2024

07-31-24 - Reincarnation & Past Lives / Psychic Abilities - Dr. Linda Backman, John Russell

07-30-24 - Natural Remedies / Afterlife Encounter - Benjamin Fuchs, Efrat Shokef

07-29-24 - Cosmos Origins / Developing Intuition - Brian Keating, Lori Spagna

07-28-24 - Legend of Ogopogo / Brazilian UFO Cases - Jason Hewlett, Eli Watson, Thiago Luiz Ticchetti

07-27-24 - Scalar Healing / Compromised Journalism - Tom Paladino, Dan Luzadder

07-26-24 - RFK Assassination / Open Lines - John C. Brady, Open Lines

07-25-24 - Mastering AI / Ghost Behaviors - Jeremy Kahn, Cheryll Jones, Chris Bores

07-24-24 - Quantum Wonders / Soul Journeys - Charles Liu, Carole Obley

07-23-24 - Biblical Prophecy / Geoengineering - Benjamin Baruch, Dane Wigington

07-22-24 - War on Cars / Faith and UFOs - Jay Beeber, Chris Bledsoe

07-21-24 - UFO Disclosure / Apocalypse & Aliens - Thomas Jane, Irena Scott

07-20-24 - Film Conspiracies - Jay Weidner, William Stickevers

07-19-24 - Life After Death - Leo Ruickbie, Open Lines

07-18-24 - Lost Civilization / The Angelic Realm - Mark Carlotto, Joan of Angels

07-17-24 - Anomalous Health Incidences / Demons & Entities - Jesse Beltran, June Lundgren

07-16-24 - Conspiracy Theories / Spirit World & Afterlife - Dr. Michael Shermer, Susan Grau

07-15-24 - Forbidden Archaeology / UFOs & Consciousness - Michael Cremo, Nick Cook

07-14-24 - Mysterious Experiences / Northwest Weirdness - Christopher Lee-Jenkins, Vince Ynzunza

07-13-24 - The UFO Paradox / Overcoming Cancer - Keith Thompson, Lynette Hill

07-12-24 - Soulmates & Angels / Open Lines - Tanya Carroll Richardson, Open Lines

07-11-24 - Dark Forces / Ancient Stone Circles - Rhonda Halbert, Jason Halbert, Michael Tellinger

07-10-24 - New Paradigm of the Mind / Remote Viewing & Ingo Swann - Doug Matzke, Paul H. Smith

07-09-24 - Natural Remedies / Strange Utah Tales - Dr. Joel Wallach, John Olsen

07-08-24 - Space Exploration / NDEs & Spirituality - Robert Zimmerman, Jacob Cooper

07-07-24 - Manifestation & Transformation / Energy of the Cosmos - Landria Onkka, Barbara DeLong

07-06-24 - Bigfoot, UFOs, & Military Involvement - Jason Mattson, Henry Franzoni

07-05-24 - Horror, Sci-Fi, & Technology / Open Lines - Mr. Lobo, Open Lines

07-04-24 - Legacy of Ed & Lorraine Warren / Animals & Souls - Tony Spera, Susan Allen

07-03-24 - The Ocean's Complexity / ET Channeled Messages - James Bradley, Toni Ghazi

07-02-24 - Power Grid & EMP / The Creator Matrix - Hugh Simpson, Rich di Sabatino, Cathleen Beerkens

07-01-24 - Angels & Essenes / Afterlife Explorations - Penelope Holt, Susanne Wilson